With the development of science and technology, industrial automation production is becoming more and more popular, dispensing machine plays an important role in industrial automation production. Although dispensing machine brings us great convenience in industrial production, dispensing machine will inevitably present some minor problems in the process of dispensing. So what's the reason why the glue volume of dispenser is too big or too small? Now let's listen to how the technicians of Aosong Automation analyze it.
Pneumatic dispensing machine can control the opening/blockade of solenoid valve to adjust the dispensing time. With the help of pressure reducing valve, the pressure in the gas tank can be adjusted. The length of dispensing time and the pressure in the gas tank will directly affect the volume and shape of the rubber droplets.

經由過程選用內徑合適的點膠機針頭(小內徑為60 um),并節制氣壓和電磁閥的接通時間,采用時間—壓力型點膠機能獲得相當一致的微膠滴體積和形狀。
By choosing the needle of dispensing machine with suitable inner diameter (small inner diameter is 60 um), and controlling the connecting time of air pressure and solenoid valve, a time-pressure dispensing machine is used to obtain a fairly uniform volume and shape of the microdroplets.
In the process of pneumatic dispensing, the needle barrel of dispensing machine is filled with glue at the beginning. Following the continuous dispensing process, the volume of glue in the needle barrel decreases gradually and the volume of gas increases continuously. Under the same dispensing time and pressure, the amount of glue produced by dispensing machine decreases gradually. Therefore, the rubber volume and air volume in the syringe are time-varying parameters. The dispensing process is a time-varying dynamic system, and the dynamic characteristics of the system change with time. In addition, the air is compressible, so the accuracy and consistency of dispensing quantity of dispensing machine is difficult to control.