Now many large enterprises, in the production process, need to be equipped with insulating glass glue machine in the production line, many people do not know what the role of this mechanical equipment is? What kind of products are they used to produce?
今天我們就來介紹一下這種機械設(shè)備,這種機械設(shè)備的主要作用是生產(chǎn)熱熔膠式中空玻璃,所以說這種機械設(shè)備的存在關(guān)重要,他能夠完成通過人力無法完成的工作,同時也能夠高 效率的工作,但是大型企業(yè)在采購這種機械設(shè)備的時候也會考慮,這種機械設(shè)備的耗電量高不高。
Today, we will introduce this kind of mechanical equipment. The main function of this kind of mechanical equipment is to produce hot-melt adhesive insulating glass. Therefore, the existence of this kind of mechanical equipment is very important. It can complete the work that cannot be completed by manpower, and at the same time it can work efficiently. However, large enterprises will also consider it when purchasing this kind of mechanical equipment, The power consumption of this kind of mechanical equipment is not high.
When large enterprises and factories produce hot-melt glue type insulating glass, they mainly use insulating glass beater. The larger the scale of enterprises, the more equipment they need, and the more orders they receive. In order to quickly meet the needs of all customers in a short time, they need more equipment, So of course, large enterprises need to purchase glass gluing machines in large quantities. However, because large enterprises need to pay higher unit price for electricity, when purchasing this kind of mechanical equipment, they will also ask the person in charge of the enterprise if the power consumption of this kind of mechanical equipment is high? How many kilowatts of electricity does it take an hour.
Because if the power consumption of a kind of mechanical equipment is high, the electricity cost paid by the enterprise in the production process is also very high. Now there are many kinds of insulating glass gluing machines on the market. Although the internal structure of glass gluing machines produced by different enterprises is similar, the use of specific parts and key parts are also different, Therefore, the power consumption of mechanical equipment produced by different enterprises is different. Some mechanical equipment consumes more power per unit time, but there are also some mechanical equipment in the process of production and design. The designer takes into account the power consumption, so the mechanical equipment is designed for energy saving.